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Tennessee Hikes

I recently had a visit to Tennessee and was able to get in a couple of fall hikes. Tennessee is a beautiful state that has a wide variety of hikes available. The Tennessee Hikes that I was able to do also had plenty of water involved which was a big change from the hikes I take in Colorado. My hikes in Tennessee were especially nice because it was the first time I got to hike with my mom!

Middle Tennessee Hikes

Middle Tennessee is the area that covers 41 of the Tennessee counties and is home to Nashville. There are a lot of hikes in the area and I was able to take in a couple. Radnor Lake is in the Nashville area. Bledsoe Creek is a little bit further north near the Hendersonville area. Both were really nice hikes and I was glad to be able to hike them.

More from The Fatman

I hope to do more Tennessee hikes the next time I make it to town. I really liked how clean all of the parks were and how accessible they were as well. If you are looking for more places to hike outside of Tennessee, check out my Hikes Page. You can also find fun anecdotes, product reviews, getting started tips on my Thoughts page. Finally, if you are a fan of podcasts, make sure to check out Fat Man Little Trail the Podcast. I talk with hikers from around the world on our best tips and tricks on the trails! If you have suggestions for hikes you can email me at Or you can follow me on any of the below social media platforms. Happy Hiking!