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Maxwell Falls upper and lower loop

Distance4.86 mi
Elevation gain1,138 ft
My Time2 hr 28 min
Closest TownEvergreen
Food NearbyCountry Roads

Maxwell Falls

On this beautiful Mothers Day I decided to check out the Maxwell falls. To start it was absolutely packed. I got their at 7:45 in the morning and got the last parking spot in the lower loop trail-head. The hike itself is pretty easy. There is some elevation gain and it is pretty rocky at places but it is not too difficult to navigate. People of all ages were there enjoying it. There are a few places where the trail gets hard to follow because so many people have trampled the path it seems to disappear.

The hike itself is absolutely gorgeous, especially if you like water features. Before you even get to the actual falls the trail follows a stream and you have plenty of small falls such as:

There is probably a half dozen or so of these little water features before you make it to the main Maxwell falls.

If I could make a suggestion it would be to take the Cliff trail. This trail puts you above the park and was not as heavily trafficked as the waterfall trail. It also has some absolutely breathtaking views.

Panoramic picture.  The picture is lined on either edge by trees with a rock ledge in the fore ground framing the view like a picture window.  The view is of 3 hills and valley that are entirely covered in trees with the suns rays shinning down on the hills.
Panoramic of from the cliff trail

Here is a look at the rest of the photos from today’s hike of Maxwell falls are in the Arapaho National Forest.

Distance and Elevation

If you don’t have the AllTrails app you might want to check it out, I really love mine. It records your progress and is a great way to search for hikes that are nearby and gives you difficulty measurements. According to AllTrails today’s hike was around 4.86 miles and had a total elevation gain of about 1,138 feet including undulations. That put the high point at around 8,425 feet. I was also moving for a total of 2 hours and 28 minutes.

Last Words

And I couldn’t forget “Last Words”, even if I almost forgot the name while shooting it. I got a little poetic this week.

After the hike I stopped by the Country Road Cafe in Evergreen and had a great Gyro. If you are ever up this way check them out.

If you have a suggestion for a hike that you would like me to try, feel free to email me at or you can follow me on the below social media platforms. I have also added this hike and all the hikes to the interactive map that you can find here.

2 thoughts on “Maxwell Falls upper and lower loop”

  1. Pingback: Country Road Cafe - Evergreen - Fat Man Little Trail

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